Do-ocracy is a system where individuals are empowered to take action and make decisions based on their own initiative and abilities, rather than waiting for approval or consensus from others. It emphasizes action and implementation over deliberation and bureaucracy.
At Protospace, you can make any improvement to the space if:
- it doesn't harm a member, their project, or the space
- it can be reasonably undone in under 4 hours
- it's not a change to the building's structure or utilities (or would require a permit or the landlord's permission)
If you have any doubts regarding the procedure, it's best to communicate with fellow members in person or on the forums.
Examples of do-ocratic changes are:
- putting up artwork
- organizing a drawer
- rearranging part of a room
- fixing a tool
- hanging French cleats
- decorating the train track
- Restocking Supplies
If your change is significant, you are encouraged to post about it on the forums so people can become aware and inspired to make their own changes.