Monthly Clean
Protospace hosts a monthly clean on the third Saturday of every month at 10:00 AM.
Attending a clean is a great way to meet other Protospace members and help out. It's also an opportunity for new members to get sponsors. Free lunch is provided to all those who clean.
Since we have no staff or employees, we clean Protospace ourselves.
You can check the Portal > Home > Stats section for the date of the next member meeting or check the portal here:
Things to clean:
- throw out old fridge food
- clean bathrooms
- mop floors:
- bathrooms
- bathroom hallway
- kitchen
- electronics room
- lounge
- welcome room
- vacuum carpet:
- classroom
- floor mats by doors
- server room / stairs (if needed)
- 3D printing room
- sweep / vacuum shop floors:
- metal shop
- wood shop
- member storage + stairs
- laser area + stairs
- clean / empty shop vacs
- empty dust collector
- drain air compressor moisture
- tidy 3D printing room
- tidy small tools:
- metal shop
- electronics
- wood shop
- water plants
- check inside for sawdust:
- table saw
- jointer
- bandsaw
- clean scraps out of lasers
- wash laser panels / beds
- take out garbages