New Member Orientation

The New Member Orientation (NMO) course is required to get vetted or use any tool larger than a screwdriver at Protospace.

You can sign up for it on the portal here:

There's usually 2-3 classes scheduled per month.

Topics covered in the NMO include:

  • Protospace's operation and philosophy
    • how to get started
    • how Protospace works
    • how to help Protospace continue to work
  • safety at Protospace
    • emergency information and procedures
    • how to use the machines safely, in general
    • how to care for machines
    • how to avoid wrecking your project

Note: it's not a skills class. Specific training is required for most equipment.

Current slides:

Other Versions

Old slides:

A Notion notebook (WIP):

Other slides (WIP):