Pitches and Motions

Pitches and motions are two ways you can change Protospace in an official manner. The two terms are often conflated so they will be explained here together. A pitch is required to store something at Protospace which takes up valuable space. A motion is required to change Protospace's rules or spend Protospace's money.


If you want to store, leave, or donate something to Protospace which takes up valuable space on the floor, a surface, or in a cabinet, you'll need to make a "pitch" for it on the forums.

Create a new topic in the "Administrivia / Pitches and Motions" category with the word "Pitch:" starting the title. Tag the topic with the "pitch" tag. In the body of your post you should:

  • explain what it is and where it will live
  • is it temporary or permanent
  • is it your project or a something for Protospace
  • if temporary, how long you expect it to be there
  • if it's a tool for Protospace, you should confirm that:
    • it works
    • it has members willing to maintain it
    • it has members willing to train on it (if necessary)

If two people don't clearly object to your pitch within 48 hours of you posting it, then it passes and you can store the thing at Protospace. If two people do object, your pitch fails and you can then make a motion for it at the next members' meeting (explained below).

Note: if acquiring the tool requires Protospace to spend money, then it needs to go to a motion and be voted on at a meeting.

The definition of "valuable space" is subjective between hundreds of members. The requirement for something needing a pitch really comes down to enforcement: whether it annoys someone enough to issue a parking ticket and throw it out. Some examples reflecting the author's opinion are:

  • posters, paintings, and decorations on a wall or ceiling don't need a pitch
  • a useful, small object (ie. screwdriver, roll of tape) that has an appropriate home doesn't need one
  • a machine that takes up floor space absolutely needs one
  • using the DMZ multiple days for automotive work needs one
  • Restocking Supplies doesn't need one
  • a project with glue or paint needing to dry doesn't need one, but you need to keep it out of the way, write your contact info, collect it ASAP, and try to plan better next time
  • sheet material in the designated rack doesn't need one, subject to the Sheet Material Storage Policy

Sometimes it's better to err on the side of caution and just make the post until you have a better grasp on the culture.



A motion is required to change Protospace's rules or policies, spend Protospace's money, or officially codify something. You will present your motion at the next members' meeting and it will be voted on by the membership present.

Create a new topic in the "Administrivia / Pitches and Motions" category with the word "Motion:" starting the title. Tag the topic with the "motion" tag. Do this at least 72 hours before the next members' meeting. In the body of the post you should:

  • specify if it's a change to policy or spending money to buy a tool, on an event, service, etc.
  • justify your change, showing alternatives considered
  • if it's a tool, explain who will maintain and train on it (if necessary)
  • discuss any possible side effects or risks (ie. ventilation, electrical load, public perception, safety, etc.)

The Chair for the next meeting will add your motion to the agenda that gets emailed out to all active members 72 hours before the meeting. Any discussion, Bikeshedding, or debate should happen in your thread and not at the meeting.

At the meeting The Chair will get to your motion and give you a chance to present it with an explanation. You may still be asked questions from the floor so that everyone has an understanding. When everyone is satisfied, you will then actually "move" your motion, someone will need to second it, and then it will go to a vote. Your motion will need at least 75% of the votes in favour from the people voting on your motion (not abstaining) in order to pass.


Other Motion Info

Members are allowed to motion things from the floor during the meeting, without the 72 hour notice or online discussion. This is generally used to slightly modify a motion from the forums to make it more agreeable to those present. Random motions will generally not pass and might be told to wait until next meeting.

Financial approvals will expire after 90 days, unless otherwise specified in the motion.

If your motion to spend Protospace's money is approved, you can go ahead and spend the money. Purchase the item yourself and send the receipt to payme@protospace.ca for reimbursement. See Restocking Supplies for more info.
