
Vetting is how new probationary members become full members.

The requirements to become vetted are:

If you are a probationary member that is ready to be vetted, attend an open house or monthly meeting. Tell people you would like to be vetted. At the open house, you'll need to inform the person doing vetting (currently Garth) as soon as possible. At a meeting, you'll need to inform The Chair before the meeting starts so it can be added to the meeting agenda.

Locate your member forms (they should be in the cabinet in the welcome room) and hand them to the person doing your vetting. During vetting, you'll be asked a few questions so the membership can get to know you. Some questions asked have been:

  • How did you hear about Protospace?
  • What do you like to make?
  • What is the most expensive thing you've broken?
  • If money wasn't an issue, what would you do with your life?
  • Have you done any volunteering at Protospace?
  • What happens on the third Saturday of every month?
  • Is a hot dog a sandwich?
  • If a giraffe wore a bow tie, how far up its neck would it be?
  • What is your least favourite Muppet?

Once everyone is satisfied, you will be congratulated on your membership and offered to ring the bell. Shortly after you will be issued your own member card and be shown the Lockup Procedure for how to close the building.
